11 Nisan 2011 Pazartesi

Connecting: Financing of Illegal Wars on “Humanity” by *Tomy Tucci

Connecting “Too Big To Fail Cartel” “U.S. Debt Is Myth” “Financing of Illegal Wars on Humanity”
The significant and strong conflict between corrupt organized U.S. cartels and the anomalies recited by high level academic, bureaucratic, banking and economic derelicts. America is heavily weighted with severe narcissistic incompetents, cavalier academic derelicts, legions, and cadres of organized criminals manufacturing a nation that can barely get through one 24 hour period without compounding crises upon crises. The latest dysfunctional sanctimonious sound byte diversion comes directly from chief economic spokesman for John Thomas Financial Funds in New York City reciting “U.S. Debt Is Myth.”
Subsequently, from the bowels of organized crime a “cookie cutter” financial fund perpetrating a “me too” academic propaganda. Shadowing the ‘Too Big To Fail Cartel’ ivy league alibi. The outrageous alibi that the U.S. government will never run out of money to pay its infinite and ever expanding $trillions of debt obligations. Furthermore, this staged show and bad acting goes on to explain, “current rating agencies are moot and inapplicable to a sovereign nation that holds the worlds reserve currency.”

Disinformation, Manufactured Conventional Flawed Wisdom

Really now! A sovereign nation that holds the worlds reserve currency can continue to issue fiat worthless paper IOU’s against finite value, wealth and assets. An extremely false narrative wisdom saturated with disinformation sound bytes. Resulting in gross exposure of party line endemic contradictions of historical facts and events. Factual events that substantiate self admitted indictable offenses. Negative forces and outrageous violations of law that focus on the conflict that the “U.S.A Is A Total Myth.”

Clash of Ideals, Deflecting Core Principals

Validating the clash of ideals between basic core principals and U.S. myths perpetuating phony omnipotence, fundamental free market principles, fiat worthless paper IOU’s, outrageous racist hatred against humanity, International  laws, and the corrupt operation of cartels and monopoly.
Why is there no academic or university textbook definition of “cartel” correlating to the U.S. private corporation Federal Reserve trust? Answer; cartels, trusts, syndicates are illegal monopolies that contradict free market or sovereign nation principals. All reference to cartels associate illegality to a “country” as opposed to a “nation” further shadowing U.S. sovereignty.

Sovereignty Versus Cartels, Rigged Markets, Financing Wars

Corrupt academics, bureaucratic apparatus, economists, bank barons, and crony rigged market operatives represent a masked affinity to illegal trusts syndicates and cartels. Consequently, subjugates its citizenry accelerates crimes against the will of its citizenry including irreparable damage to the nation and ‘We the People.’
Chief economists by circumventing historical factual events effectuate the shadowing of deceptive sound bytes. Therefore, perpetrating a particular criminal activity effectively eliminates all free market enterprise, competition, represents exclusively the illegality of trusts, cartels and syndicates. A collusive international association of independent syndicated enterprises formed to monopolize production and distribution of a product or service, control prices, future contracts, taxes, interest rates, confiscate labor, property, natural resources, hard assets, and eternal illegal militarism occupation and war.
No nation is a free market sovereign entity that relegates its citizenry to second position status. A second position to a private monolithic cartel. The U.S. fails to meet it’s onus and obligations to ‘We the People’ a sovereign free nation of laws under the US Constitution by legislating disinformation. Phony specialists improvise at will a false representation of c.1910 legions of conventional economic organized criminal cartel deceptions.
Ah – but what if the “criminals” were to write the laws and the statutes themselves? Then, the conniving and conspiring isn’t legally defined as a crime, nor the “criminals” called criminals. In fact, most are called bankers (emperors previously), and their instruments today, foundations (fleets previously)! Isn’t that just peachy? Posted byAtlantic Press
Conclusion US Sovereignty, Myth, Wars, Cartels
The U.S. is a myth, a lost sovereign nation since c.1910. The U.S. cannot compete in free markets. Ignores a 21st Century world with militaristic monopoly control, operated by a private cartel above all laws, a total war against humanity and the confiscation of the worlds property, assets, labor and natural resources.Tarak Kauff, Veteran For Peace activist and organizer, stated, “There are trillions for wars and occupations in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and now Libya, billions yearly to support Israel’s occupation and oppression of Palestine, again trillions in bailouts to make those at the top of the economic food chain even more powerful, but relative pennies for our children’s education, adequate health care, infrastructure, housing and other necessities of Americans. Yet big corporate banks are thriving and, like Bank of America, pay no taxes. But you do, and I do, and working people all across this country pay taxes. “Link Between War and Big Finance” Posted byGlobal Research 
I ask, what are we paying for and into whose pockets is it going? The wealth of this country is disappearing down the tubes into the stuffed pockets of the financial/military/industrial oligarchs. Americans are being bled dry while people of the world are literally bleeding and dying from U.S.-made weapons and warfare. Do we not see the connection?” Posted by Tarak Kauff Veterans for Peace. A lost nations sovereignty with gouls, goons, bag men, buffoons, organized crime, hatchets, and war criminals self imploding themselves with hyper ignorance and ultra stupidity. That’s what were paying for and whose pockets its going to. Daylight thefts simultaneously expanding radiation toxins and poisons across the global enviornment. Showering depleted uranium DU ordnance on the human race. See confirmation video showing hatchets taking America to the abyss daily. Madeline Albright Best Selling Author.

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