28 Temmuz 2011 Perşembe

Another smoking gun: Breivik link to Israel by *Wayne Madsen

One question is not being asked: Why is a correspondent who supports Breivik’s thoughts on Muslims and non-whites in a kibbutz in Israel and not answering questions in a police station in Sweden?

Although the mainstream corporate media and even a few “alternative news” websites are ignoring the proven links between Norwegian terrorist Anders Behring Breivik and Israel, yet another “smoking gun” connection between the pro-Zionist mass murderer and Israel has emerged.

Ninety minutes before Breivik was reported to have detonated a huge fertilizer-fuel bomb in the government district of downtown Oslo and then proceeding to Utoya island dressed as a uniformed police officer to massacre scores of youth attending a Norwegian Labor Party jamboree, he sent an email containing a 1500-page rambling manifesto to Isak Nygren, a member of the far-right, anti-Islamic and Roma (gypsy), and pro-Zionist Sweden Democrats (SD) political party. Among Breivik’s writings is this quote: “So let us fight together with Israel, with our Zionist brothers against all anti-Zionists, against all cultural Marxists/multiculturalists.”

Who is Isak Nygren?

One will not see any mention of him in the English-language corporate media. Nygren is a pro-Israeli SD activist who is only 21 years old but has already run for municipal-level political office in his native province of Sodermanland and municipality of Katrineholm, Sweden. It is also noteworthy that Nygren was not in Sweden when he received Breivik’s e-mail but, according to the July 24 edition of Sweden’s Nyheter newspaper, was in Israel living on a kibbutz. The location of the kibbutz was not reported. There are other reports on Internet websites that Nygren is Jewish.

The only English-language media that reported Breivik’s connection to Nygren is Die Presse of Vienna, Eskiltuna-Kurinen of Sweden,Sveriges Radio, Expo magazine of Sweden, the Berliner Zeitung of Germany, and Kurier of Austria. To its credit, Nyheter is the only media outlet that officially reported on Breivik’s connections to Nygren, in addition to Nygren’s current presence in Israel.
The media blackout of Breivik’s Israeli connections is largely the result of marching orders sent out from the Israel and Zionist lobby. The orders are clear: there will be no mention of Breivik’s pro-Israeli stance nor his connections to individuals like Nygren. Attention to Breivik’s Israeli and Jewish connections would expose Mossad’s infiltration of neo-Nazi groups and political parties to turn them away from anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial and into anti-Islamic and pro-Israeli pressure movements.

Nygren has stated that he is pro-Israel. However, he is also a member of the neo-Nazi Nordic Alliance, which has branches in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark. There are now reports that last year Breivik attended a rally of the English Defense League (EDL) in London to hear Dutch Freedom Party leader Geert Wilders, an ardent anti-Muslim and supporter of Israel, to address the gathering. There are other reports that Breivik met with the leadership of the EDL and Wilders. The EDL’s Swedish offshoot is the Swedish Defense League, which counts Nygren as one of its activists. In September 2010, the Danish leftist newspaper Arbejder pointed to possible links between Nygren and the xenophobic far-right Danish People’s Party of Pia Kaersgaard, which provides parliamentary support for the current center-right Danish government.

Nygren’s blog states that he has no connections with Breivik. However, in response to a request from a reporter for Austria’s ORF television network about Breivik’s use of .at domains to send e-mail to an entity called the “Vienna School,” Nygren, from Israel, refused to cooperate. The reporter pointed out that in Austria, most e-mail addresses do not use the .at country domain for Austria but addresses like gmx.mail and other commercial addresses.

Nygren was interviewed by Sweden’s English-language publication, Expo, and said he is opposed to mixed marriages between European women and “niggers, Asians, etc.” Nygren also opposes adoption by Swedish parents of non-white children from abroad. Nygren has advocated for the expulsion of Roma (gypsies) from Sweden and the mandatory “re-eduction” of Swedish Muslims. Last February, Nygren, according to the SVT Swedish television network, said, “As long as you do not live in Sweden so I do not care. I’m not attracted to the Negroes.”

The EDL, SD, Wilders, Nygren, and Zionists in the United States like Pam Geller, who Breivik admires, are all attempting to distance themselves from the Norwegian mass murderer. The “lone wolf” appellation being conferred on Breivik by his Zionist and neo-Nazi friends, as well as the English-speaking corporate media, is now neing undermined by reports of law enforcement investigations of Breivik’s network, including the two additional operating cells he mentioned in an Oslo court room on July 25. The police investigations extend beyond Norway to France, the United Kingdom, Denmark, Austria, Poland, and other countries.

However, the corporate media is still insisting that Breivik is a deranged single actor. Although, he is clearly deranged, even some alternate news outlets, while believing Breivik could not have acted alone, are continuing to ignore Breivik’s connections to Israel and Zionist groups, pushing fanciful notions of involvement by NATO, Freemasons, and the Illuminati in Breivik’s massacre.

One question is not being asked: Why is a correspondent who supports Breivik’s thoughts on Muslims and non-whites in a kibbutz in Israel and not answering questions in a police station in Sweden?

*Wayne Madsen, is a Washington, D.C.-based author, columnist , and self-described investigative journalist.

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