1 Kasım 2010 Pazartesi

Who Do These Insiders Think They Are? by *Sean J. Campbell

There are many people out there who do not believe that any kind of conspiracy exists to take away our freedom and economic well-being.  They have been told by the major media that any such thought could only come from someone who is mentally unbalanced.  Conspiracies are born from extremists not mainstreamers.

I am here to tell you that conspiracies do exist and as long as they remain hidden in darkness they will continue to oppress us and grow larger.  Those who are behind the conspiracies are the very ones leading the charge to label any opposition as crazy.  At the same time, they are also hard at work stealing our money and robbing us of our precious liberties.

There is not enough time or space to produce proof about conspiracies.  It is out there for those who are willing to do the research with an open mind.  One must search, believe, and accept truth in order to truly find it.

Who are these conspirators, you may ask?  Specifically they are the Wall Street bankers and their cohorts at the highest levels of government, here and abroad.  Their plans to take our freedom and money were laid long ago and efforts to bring it about have been steadily growing over the years.  One thing you can say about these Insiders: they are patient.  They know that their numbers are small and everyone else represent large populations so they have had to slowly condition us over the decades to want to give ourselves away.

Think of the morality that existed among people in the past.  We may laugh and call them old-fashioned but they were good people who lived good lives and made many sacrifices.  Fast forward to today where the “do what you want without any consequences” attitude pervades. Many feel entitled to government assistance so that they may live the good life.  If they don’t get what they want then they say that they are being oppressed or discriminated.

In the name of so-called greater freedom or enlightenment we have cast aside the morality of the past and replaced it with an immoral society today.  The Insiders have been behind this transformation of our culture.  When we live moral lives we are better and more self-independent people.  When we live immoral lives our souls are decayed and we become more dependent on others to make our lives happy.

I think one reason why people refuse to accept the existence of conspiracies is because they feel that somehow they would be smart enough to see a massive conspiracy if one really existed.  To concede a conspiracy would be an admission that they did not figure it out and therefore not very bright.

One can see why people would think like this.  They would be personally offended.  However, what they don’t understand is that conspiracies work because they work behind the scenes doing things to move their agenda forward in a subtle manner.  Until they are far enough along where they have a comfortable level of power, they will not come out to the light of day or acknowledge their own existence.  A conspiracy also exists because those who are part of it are small in number and release information to others on a need to know basis.

Another reason why people don’t believe in conspiracies is because they say that so many people would never be able to hold such a powerful plan so secret.  Surely someone would defect and expose the plan.

My answer to that is what I said before.  The core conspirators at the top are few in number.  Those working under them are often unknowingly doing the Insiders’ bidding.  As mentioned above, they operate on a need to know basis.

Hayden’s Note:

This is also called “compartmentalism” – where one company or person completes Widget A and another office that knows nothing about the other produces Widget B.  They are kept seperate and not informed as to what the Widgets do and very few ever question it.  This is just an example, but it can be applied to everything, from placing items at key locations, surveillance, accounts, financial transactions, physical operations, etc.

Sometimes if the underlings understand something about the conspiracy they will eagerly do what they are told, expecting to be rewarded with money, power, or both.  Others don’t appreciate the foundations of this government or the sacrifices made by those of the past so they actively fight against the status quo.  Some may actually be blackmailed into doing something for the Insiders they would not otherwise normally do.

[Hayden's Note: This is also very common, especially with politicians and community leaders.]

Perhaps many who work for the Insiders are simply dupes.  They are ignorant about what they are doing but do it anyway.  Many feel like they just need to go along with the crowd to get ahead.  Others think that they are somehow working toward some greater good.

Whatever the reason may be for why people work for the Insiders, the conspirators themselves don’t care.  They only want to achieve their goals of wealth and power.  They will use anyone to serve their purposes.  Except for their co-conspirators, they care nothing for the underlings working under them or anyone else.  Everyone besides them are serfs, workers for their grand schemes, or servants.

The grand motivations for the Insiders insidious plans are wealth and power.  For them, there can never be enough money in the bank.  They must be the ones to own all of the world’s wealth.  This is one of the reasons why we are currently in this financial crisis.  They are actively working to take money and property away from us.  In addition to putting us deeper and deeper into poverty they also gain more power through their increased wealth.

This brings us to the final point.  The power these Insiders seek is global not local.  Yes, they actually want to control the whole earth and everyone who lives on it.  They want power over every person in every country.  In effect, they want to be how they see themselves: gods on earth ruling among men and take glory and honor upon themselves.

Hayden’s Note:

Think back to the 1990′s, when the Glass-Stegal Act was repealed by Wall Street cronies.  This opened the door for massive financial fraud, derivative schemes and other ponzi-like operations.  This allowed the Investment Banks to merge with Deposit Banks.  That means the insiders were now gambling with your savings, your pension fund, your city’s municipal bonds and so on.  It was a massive looting that created incomprehensible amounts of digital wealth.  The Iraq and Afghanistan invasion were also used as an excuse to prop up the Military-Intelligence-Industrial Complex to near black-hole proportions, where they turned this digital money from derivatives into tangible items and wealth.  The housing and banking bubbles were then rescued by the massive Bailouts.

In other words, they set up the fraud through their political channels – executed the banking fraud through Wall Street – laundered the cash through the Wars – and then replenished it all with tax payer money.  How’s that for the Perfect Crime?

*Sean J. Campbell is a blogger

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